Community and Local Resources
Congregate & Home-Delivered Meals
A congregate meal site is a great place to receive a healthy lunch, congregate and socialize with friends new and old, get connected to other services, and participate in engaging activities. Find congregate meals in your county here. Home-delivered meals are a great way to receive the nutrition you need to stay healthy, when leaving your home is challenging. Click here to find a home-delivered meals provider near you. Find home-delivered meals services in your county here.
Area Agencies on Aging
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) were established through the Older Americans Act to facilitate and support programs addressing the needs of older adults across the nation. Area Agencies on Aging receive federal Older Americans Act funding through the NCDHHS - Division of Aging. Check out the interactive map to find the AAA covering your county!
NC Seniors Farmers' Market Nutrition Program
The NC Seniors Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP) is a summer-only program that provides vouchers to eligible lower-income older adults to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, honey, and fresh cut herbs at NC SFMNP certified farmers' markets. This summertime program is designed to improve the nutrition of older adults and increase business for local farmers and farmers’ markets. The NC SFMNP season is from July 1 to September 30. The NC SFMNP is not available in all NC counties. So far this year, the program will be available in 50 of the 100 counties in North Carolina. View the 2024 map of the NC SFMNP.
Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs
Healthy Aging NC is North Carolina’s statewide resource center for evidence-based health programs and healthy aging resources. Find resources for meal delivery services, transportation assistance, and evidence-based programs for managing chronic conditions, arthritis, falls prevention, living a healthy life, and more.
Find a Senior Center
Staying connected and engaged in activities is important to the physical and mental well-being of everyone. An easy way to start this is to visit one of North Carolina’s multipurpose senior centers in your area. Senior centers are a great community resource that provides services, education on additional aging resources, and offers a variety of health, fitness, and creative art activity classes.
Aging Well Program
Staying healthy, secure and independent as you age can be challenging. Our goal is to help aging adults in our community by providing resources and support to help you live better, longer. The Aging Well Program provides services in Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Mitchell, Watauga, Wilkes and Yancey county. This program is in collaboration with Appalachian State University's Appalachian Institute for Health and Wellness (App Well) and the High Country Area Agency on Aging, alongside numerous other community partners to support healthy aging.
NC Senior Games
Join participants in the North Carolina Senior Games in sports and arts categories that serve all 100 counties across North Carolina every Spring. North Carolina Senior Games (NCSG) began in 1983 with a vision to create a year-round health promotion and wellness education program for older adults.
Carolina Aging Alliance
Carolina Aging Alliance is a nonprofit, charitable organization that advocates for and provides services to LGBTQ+ persons 50 and older. Ongoing weekly and seasonal social, educational, health-related, fun-oriented, and physical fitness events and activities.
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at UNC Asheville is an award-winning, internationally-acclaimed learning community dedicated to promoting lifelong learning, leadership, community service, and research. OLLI’s goal is to enable our members to thrive in life’s second half and offers a wide range of programs, organized by our staff, volunteers and community partners, to engage with our members and community.
Community Organizations
Community Organizations such as YMCA, AARP, and local recreation centers across North Carolina offer numerous programs for varying interests that promote health and well-being. Several organizations have transitioned these programs from an in-person setting to an online setting. Find your local YMCA or learn more about local programs, discounts and services through local AARP programs here.
Public Libraries
The North Carolina public library system offers numerous programs, services and resources. Signing up for a library card is easy and free! Libraries provide access to books, magazines, movies, online resources, and virtual programming to learn a new skill or hobby. Ask about large print materials, access to online resources, delivery of library books, or assistance with getting set up to listen to books online on your devices.
Cooperative Extension
NC Cooperative Extension has a local office in each county in North Carolina. They offer a wide variety of educational classes for a variety of interests and hobbies both in-person and online.